Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Inch by Inch, Row by Row

SO excited to have gotten my seedlings in the ground today!  It was nearly a two month process from seed to ground.  What started as this on March 10th...

Turned into this.  Given that this was my first year starting seeds, seeing them go from dirt to plants was super exciting!

After receiving an awesome package of seeds from my brother-in-law (including some from the amazing Baker Creek - if you like to garden from seed and don't get their catalog, get on their list!), I decided that it would be fun to start more...

As things grew, I divided them into smaller pots (and gave some away).  Over the last ten days, I hardened off all the seedlings (putting them outside during the day, inside at night)...

And now, the garden is planted!!


I've jammed in tomatoes (seven varieties), cucumbers (two varieties), zucchini, tomatillos, peppers (five varieties), chanterais melon, basil, parsley, tarragon, and pumpkins (two varieties).  This is more ambitious than I've ever been, but I'm planning to grow many of the plants vertically, so I'm feeling hopeful.  Everything was from seed with the exception of the tarragon and tomatillos (from the awesome Hayground stand at Santa Monica Farmer's Market), a couple of tomato plants from a gardening friend, and some flowers (marigolds and cosmos) that are needed to attract beneficial insects to the plants that are already blossoming.  Can't wait to see it all grow!  Oh, and eat it too!

This blog title is inspired by John Denver & The Muppets' 'The Garden Song.'

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