Saturday, November 19, 2011

Week 34 - Be Thankful For What You Got

Thanksgiving is a big deal in this family, as it is for many others.  Since my husband and I both love to cook, the day is truly a family affair and we go all out.  This year, we are extremely excited and very thankful to have our amazing box of produce available to inspire the dishes that will grace our celebration.  With thirteen people to feed, it's great to know that we'll have lots of variety on the table to enjoy!

In the box this week
(top) lettuce, carrots, celery, spinach
(middle) avocados, persimmons
(bottom) green beans, cucumbers, butternut squash, lemons, pumpkin, herb bundle

Thanksgiving recipes using the box
Other Thanksgiving recipes
Do I really have to wait five more days?  With all of these amazing dishes to try, I'm feeling very impatient!
This week's title is inspired by the song of the same name by Massive Attack.


    1. Did I miss week 35?? I love your blog--the recipes are delicious and the photos beautiful. I live in San Diego and we get almost the same things in our boxes, so it's perfect! Please, please continue!!

    2. Sorry - thanksgiving week left me really behind, but I am hoping to catch up today. Glad you are finding the blog useful... our box comes from San Diego county!
